α decay
β- decay
β+ decay/electron capture
Neutron emission
Missing data
Proton emission
Spontaneous fission
Magic numbers
Navigation Instructions
Created by Jacqueline Williams and Dr. Jason Donev as part of the Energy Education project. Data source: https://www-nds.iaea.org/relnsd/NdsEnsdf/QueryForm.html (Accessed May 2015)
Movement type Control type
Keyboard Mouse Touch-screen
Pan camera Arrow keys Right click and drag, left click and drag (2D only) Three finger drag, one finger drag (2D only)
Zoom in/Move forwards E key, PgUp key, spacebar Scroll up Spread
Zoom out/Move backwards Q key, PgDn key Scroll down Pinch
Pivot camera
(3D only)
WASD keys N/A N/A
Rotate chart
(3D only)
N/A Left click and drag One finger drag