Detailed pollution data

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Detailed pollution data, visualized below, can help clarify trends in levels of pollutant emissions in Canada and help explain where certain pollutants come from. If linked here from another page, the default pollutant being investigated is the one that was previously being read about. If not, the default is carbon monoxide, but any pollutant can be explored. Pollutants investigated on this page include particulate matter, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, ammonia, lead, cadmium, mercury, dioxins and furans, hydrochlorobenzene, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Energy Source Data

The pie chart below provides some of the most basic information about the source of different pollutants. It can be used to determine how much of a pollutant comes from energy sources (anything not included in other) and non-energy sources (the other category). As well, it can help show where exactly these pollutants are being created.

Fuel combustion includes commercial, residential fuel combustion and residential fuel wood combustion.[1]

Detailed Source Data

The bar graph below is used to expand upon the information given in the pie chart. This graph provides a more in-depth look at what activities create certain pollutants, and expands on the non-energy related sources.

Time Series Data

The line graph below is used primarily to show whether or not levels of emissions have been improving for Canada as a whole, particularly with efforts to scrub flue gases clean with various air pollution control devices. Please see Environment Canada for province by province data.


  1. Environment Canada. (July 24, 2015), Air Pollutant Emissions[Online], Available: